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Auteur Sujet: Loris Baz en WSBK l'année prochaine... Ça semble bien parti 😎  (Lu 3908 fois)

Hors ligne tomk4t

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  • si ça frotte, c'est que ça essore! Yéti officiel
Voilà ce qui est sorti sur le face de bouc de Loris Baz  y a 2 heures :

🇺🇸🏁 😢❤️
I will not race in Moto America next year. I went there to race and I came back with a family in America.
Bobby,Louis Sr and Jr Eraldo and all the others thanks you for everything You have done to make me feel like home.
Thanks you to have understood my choice for next year and to have pushed me to choose the best for my career .
I will cheer for you and I can’t wait to see you around a beer and Pizza!
Thanks you everyone working at MotoAmerica all the fans all the people I met!
I’ll keep you updated on my future really soon
HSBK Racing Team

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